Most of us aren’t professional organizers. At least I know that I’m not. But, I do need my home semi-organized or I just feel all out of sorts. If you are like me, and you need your home somewhat organized for your sanity, you can learn how to organize your home in a simple and practical way so that life is a little more organized, and less stressful.

But, how to even begin knowing how to organize your home? That can be the hard part. Feeling a little overwhelmed with your space is totally normal. To help you organize your home in a way that is both simple and do-able, we have gathered some very practical advice and clever tricks to help you get things more organized. So, let’s get started! Here are 7 Simple (and practical) Tips to Organize Your Home.

Declutter Your Home:

Home organizers all agree that getting rid of things you don’t use, need, or love is the first step to making your space more organized. Having too much stuff around will make you put off making decisions and will make it harder to use your space effectively, which will slow down all of your efforts to get things in order. So, it’s very important to take the time to thoroughly clean out.

throw away junk and declutter your home

As home organizer and H&G contributing expert Caroline Roberts says, “The key to organizing without spending a dime is decluttering first.” This will leave you with empty storage boxes and containers. The first reason to get rid of clutter is that it will make organizing your things easier. 

“If you have fewer things, you won’t need as many bins and other organizing supplies.” The second reason is that you’ll probably have a lot of bins that you can use for other things after you clean out.

Deep Clean Every Space:

After getting rid of all the junk and unused items in your home, clean each room well. Get rid of any grime, stains, or dirt to have a fresh start.

Here are some practical Tips for Cleaning Every Room:

The Living Room: 

 – Furniture as Storage: Choose furniture that doubles as storage. Ottomans with hidden compartments, shelves behind sofas, and coffee tables with drawers can do wonders.

 – Control Remote Chaos: Use a decorative tray or a unique dish to corral remotes and small items. It’s simple, but it significantly reduces visual clutter.

The Kitchen:

 – Divide and Conquer Your Drawers: Use drawer dividers for utensils. It’s not just about neatness; it’s about efficiency in your cooking flow.

 – Label, Label, Label: Clear containers with labels for your pantry items not only look appealing but also save time. You’ll never confuse baking powder with baking soda again!

The Bedroom: 

 – Seasonal Clothing Storage: Rotate your wardrobe seasonally. Vacuum-seal off-season clothing and store it under the bed or on high shelves.

 – The Magic of Under-bed Storage: Utilize under-bed storage for items you need but don’t use daily. It’s a hidden gem of storage space. I love these under bed storage containers. They are great for storing comforters, blanks, sweaters, and other bulky items.

The Bathroom:

 – Declutter the Countertops: Use drawer organizers for makeup and toiletries. Keep only daily essentials on the counter.

 – Vertical Storage: Install floating shelves or over-the-toilet storage units. They are perfect for towels and toiletries without taking up floor space.

Give Everything a Place to Live:

Imagine rows of shiny glass jars lining open black shelves, framed by that cute board-and-batten stuff. Doesn’t that sound tidy and calming? Even a fancy basket or an old shoebox-turned-key-holder can make a world of difference. Why? Because giving things a special spot each day keeps stress and frustration at bay. Emily from Dots & Stripes Organising puts it perfectly: “Every sock, spoon, and shoelace needs a happy place to call home.”

Give everything in your home a place to live

She sees this all the time: bedrooms overflowing, kitchen counters piled high. The culprit? Stuff without a designated spot. Things end up everywhere because they don’t have a comfy corner (or shelf, or hook!) that feels welcoming. So, the first mission? Find the perfect home for each wandering item.

Limit Your Laundry:

You wouldn’t believe it, but not having a big laundry room can be a good thing sometimes. Putting a front-loading washer and dryer in a large closet with louvered doors that can be closed at any time to hide the dirty laundry makes the space efficient and hard-working, with few places where things can get squandered. 

fold and put away laundry immediately

You have to be good at keeping things organized in a small space so that forgotten dirty clothes don’t pile up, and a deep-set hanging rack is just the right size to keep from becoming the house’s main closet. To keep things from getting too crowded, use vertical space (like these open shelves) and put laundry supplies in pretty glass jars with labels so you’ll always know when you’re running low. A small basket or bin is a good place to put dryer sheets and lost socks. Wash, fold, and put away your laundry immediately so that they don’t pile up.

Make Use of Everything:

Let’s begin by using a method called upcycling. Don’t just use those good Mason jars for jam. You can use them for other things too! In the bathroom, they can be used as cotton swabs, and in the office, they’ll keep your pens, paper clips and hi-liters grouped together, all set and waiting for use. Put hooks on the back of your bathroom doors to hang towels or robes. If you have a staircase, think about turning the area into shelves or a closet. This can get back valuable space for shoes, books, or whatever you want.

upcycle and declutter your home

Go Digital:

Get rid of paper appliance manuals, receipts, and bills by going paperless, or storing them digitally. Also, use the notes app on your phone and computer more often. It would be quick and easy to find manuals and other documents if you made a Google Doc with links to PDFs.  There are a lot of apps that can help you get rid of unnecessary paper, and some, like Toss, can also help you stay on top of general household tasks. A free app on your phone that you see every day can be a big help in keeping you organized.

Organize your recipes, receipts and bills digitally

When we talk about apps, Reba Bassett, a professional organizer from Revelation Organizing, says to check out your local Buy Nothing or Free-cycle group for free items that can help you organize, like kitchen organizers or things you can use for something else.

Control the Tech:

An entertainment center can get cluttered and disorganized very quickly with all the wires, cable boxes, game stations, and remote controls. Putting it together in a stylish way, on the other hand, can make it part of the look of your home. To make an old wooden armoire brighter, paint the inside a soft color with a flat finish (to stop reflections). Then, mount a TV at eye level and run the cords through a hole in the back of the cabinet. I love these clear cord organizers! Colorful books are stacked in neat groups to make the room feel less tech-focused. Things that don’t look good, like remote controls, are hidden in pretty boxes. Best of all, you can always close the cabinet to hide what’s inside when you need to clean up quickly.

So, there you have it. Easy and practical steps for getting and keeping your home more organized. We went from messy spaces to peaceful sanctuaries. Taking steps to get your home more organized can be a big task, but just take things one step at a time. Don’t feel like you have to do everything at once. Make a list of things you want to do and then do what is most important first. When you organize your home, clean it well, and get rid of clutter, each part of your place becomes a peaceful and useful space. Each thing you own, even an old recipe will find its proper spot. With these simple but different ways to organize your home, you’ve done more than just move things around. You’ve created a peaceful and happy place. Take these ideas and suggestions as a guiding light, leading you to a calmer, more organized, and enjoyable life in your home.

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